Monday, October 11, 2010

Little Big Press, a quick report

Last saturday Rome finally had a close encounter with independent publishing and the new trends in photobooks thanks to
Little Big Press, an exhibition curated by 3/3 (Chiara Capodici and Fiorenza Pinna), currently on show at Officine Fotografiche as part of the photographic festival Fotoleggendo.

Tables, shelves and a plexiglass safe were full of treasures secured with tiny ropes: large or small, refined or raw, complex or extremely simple, one thing all the books and magazines I saw were not: pretentious.
Maybe this is just what happens when you do something with love and dedication, but what impressed me most was how anything I flipped through, beyond any difference of style and content, was telling me the same thing: get curious, have fun, look for more.

Here's a quick photo-report, scroll down in this post for other photos.

Flip, flip, flip

The magazines corner. The zines are probably bitching about them from the other wall

A bunch of books taking a break from all the drunkish hands carrying them around

The plexiglass tower of the big boys: a selection from Marks of Honour 08, or "13 contemporary photographers create a striking library"

A close-up view of one piece from Marks of Honour, Past Remembering Things Passed, by Michael Light, an Ansel Adams' book digsawed along landscape lines, with Light's pigment prints attached to certain Adams images. Simply spectacular

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