Sunday, August 1, 2010

Little Big Press

My volcanic friends of 3/3 have recently launched the call for submissions for their latest stunt, Little Big Press, an exhibition dedicated to the world of independent photobook publishing. So, all of you who burned cash in the noble attempt to show that another publishing world is possible, make yourself heard and flash your paper treasures! Below is the full text of the project launch, deadline for submissions is September 27.

Le mie vulcaniche amiche di 3/3 hanno da poco lanciato la chiamata a raccolta per il loro ultimo colpo, Little Big Press, una mostra dedicata al mondo dell'editoria fotografica indipendente. Quindi per tutti quelli che tra voi hanno investito nel nobile tentativo di dimostrare che un altro mondo editoriale è possibile, fatevi sentire e mostrate i vostri preziosi tesori di carta! Di seguito il testo integrale del lancio del progetto, la scadenza del bando è il 27 settembre.

"Little big press­ exhibition aims to survey the tendencies that, during the last few years, changed thoroughly the world of photobook publishings.

A more and more increasing vitality is directing photobook evolution towards an independent, self published and scale reduced position, giving life to independent photobooks or fanzines, while small publishing houses are becoming more and more active and prolific all around the world.

Publishing-crazy photographers, from Alec Soth with his Little Brown Mushroom, to Jason Fulford, enlightened founder of J&L, or Stephen Gill and his Nobody Books, decide to work independently on photobooks and put out, through small publishing houses, self productions parallel or tangent to the most important publishers’ products. Some, as Katia Stucke and Olivier Sieber of Bohm Kobayashi, making experiments with video; others start from collective experiences on the web, as the Italian fanzine 0-100 or just develop multifaceted auto-productions, as Joachim Schmidt or Luca Donnini.

A freedom that allows free researches on materials, composition, print quality, and binding peculiarity, giving an experimental and constructive approach that represents the most interesting and stimulating aspect of contemporary photobook.

The books collected on the occasion of the exhibition will be the first contribution for Officine Fotografiche independent photobook archive, a library project curated by 3/3, based on free consultation and annual-based exhibitions."

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